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Showing posts with label General Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Books. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

Building Construction Handbook, Roy Chudley, 6th Edition (2006) - Free Books

Building Construction Handbook provides extensive coverage of building construction practice, processes and techniques, representing established procedures as well as those associated with recent amendments to the Building Regulations, British and European Standards and other related references. This approach, combined with the presentation of information in a highly illustrated and unique visual style, has proven this text to be a vital learning resource for thousands of building construction students, and an essential reference for professionals.

The sixth edition has been updated and expanded to take into account many aspects of the new and revised Building Regulations and associated Approved Documents as applied to working practice; in particular, construction requirements for conserving and economising energy and reducing atmospheric pollution (as this relates to Building Regulations Part L - Conservation of fuel and power).

This new edition also develops existing topics, including adaptation of buildings to ensure compatibility for the disabled, further details of masonry construction, applications of steel reinforcement to concrete, steel framed housing principles, sound insulation and additional details of structural glazing. Throughout, reference to supplementary regulations and standards are provided for further reading, and where appropriate, design calculations are included. Online lecture resources are provided, with power point slides available for a selection of topics, featuring essential illustrations for use with presentations and handouts.

The Handbook is an invaluable reference for students. It consolidates several years of study material into one comprehensive volume, suitable for a wide range of building and construction courses, including NVQs in Construction and the Built Environment, BTEC Nationals and Higher Nationals in Building Services Engineering, Construction and Civil Engineering, as well as construction related undergraduate degrees (such as Built Environment, Civil Engineering, Building Surveying, Construction Management, Quantity Surveying, Building, Architectural Technology and Facilities Management) and professional examinations.

Roger Greeno is a well-known author of construction texts. He has extensive practical and consultancy experience in the industry, in addition to lecturing at several colleges of further and higher education, and the University of Portsmouth. He has also examined for City & Guilds, Edexcel, the Chartered Institute of Building and the University of Reading.

Roy Chudley's books on Building Construction have helped thousands of students gain their qualifications and pass exams. He was formerly a Senior Lecturer at Guildford College.

* Topics presented in a highly visual and easy to understand layout
* The market-leading bestseller for construction practice guidance
* Ideal for students on general construction and building courses
* An essential reference for the industry
* Updated in line with revised Building Regulations
* Website resources for lecturers available

Building Construction Handbook, Roy Chudley, 6th Edition (2006)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, Martin Brook, Third Edition(2004) - Free Books

The job of the estimator is explained in detail at every key stage, from early cost studies, through the preparation of the estimate, to the creation of budgets for successful tenders. Each step is illustrated with examples and notes, and appropriate technical documentation.

Over recent years there have been significant developments in construction management, notably new procurement methods, greater emphasis on innovation and partnering, a greater reliance on cost planning as a methodology, and new developments in both industry and governmental reports and guidance.

This new and updated edition of a well-established textbook addresses each of these developments in turn, placing them firmly in the context of a thorough and easy to understand introduction to the roles of the estimator in preparing and winning tenders.

Practical approach to estimating from the contractor's point of view
Fully up-to-date with new procurement methods

Many examples of estimators' notes and documents

 August 25, 2004

Estimating and Tendering for Construction Work, Martin Brook, Third Edition(2004) 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Formwork for Concrete Structures, Garold (Gary) Oberlender, 4th Edition (2010) - Free Books

Formwork for Concrete Structures, Fourth Edition, provides current information on designing and building form-work and temporary structures during the construction process. Developed with the latest structural design recommendations by the National Design Specification (NDS 2005), the book covers recent advances in materials, money- and energy-saving strategies, safety guidelines, OSHA regulations, and dimensional tolerances. Up-to-date sample problems illustrate practical applications for calculating loads and stresses. This comprehensive manual also includes new summary tables and equations and a directory of suppliers.

Formwork for Concrete Structures, 4th edition By Garold (Gary) Oberlender, Robert Peurifoy
2010 | 544 Pages | ISBN: 0071639179 | PDF | 10 MB

Formwork for Concrete Structures, Garold (Gary) Oberlender, 4th Edition (2010)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Numerical Methods for Engineers, Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale, Sixth Edition (2009) - Free Books

April 20, 2009  0073401064  978-0073401065 6

Instructors love Numerical Methods for Engineers because it makes teaching easy! Students love it because it is written for them--with clear explanations and examples throughout. The text features a broad array of applications that span all engineering disciplines.
The sixth edition retains the successful instructional techniques of earlier editions. Chapra and Canale's unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called Motivation, Mathematical Background, and Orientation. This prepares the student for upcoming problems in a motivating and engaging manner. Each part closes with an Epilogue containing Trade-Offs, Important Relationships and Formulas, and Advanced Methods and Additional References. Much more than a summary, the Epilogue deepens understanding of what has been learned and provides a peek into more advanced methods. Helpful separate Appendices. "Getting Started with MATLAB" abd "Getting Started with Mathcad" which make excellent references.
Numerous new or revised problems drawn from actual engineering practice, many of which are based on exciting new areas such as bioengineering. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in the problems, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Excellent new examples and case studies span asll areas of engineering disciplines; the students using this text will be able to apply their new skills to their chosen field.
Users will find use of software packages, specifically MATLAB®, Excel® with VBA and Mathcad®. This includes material on developing MATLAB® m-files and VBA macros.

Numerical Methods for Engineers, Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale, Sixth Edition (2009)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling Second Edition (2006)

In this book, authors Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides introduce students to the basics of structural equation modeling (SEM) through a conceptual, nonmathematical approach. For ease of understanding, the few mathematical formulas presented are used in a conceptual or illustrative nature, rather than a computational one.
Featuring examples from EQS, LISREL, and Mplus, A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling is an excellent beginner’s guide to learning how to set up input files to fit the most commonly used types of structural equation models with these programs. The basic ideas and methods for conducting SEM are independent of any particular software.
Highlights of the Second Edition include:
• Review of latent change (growth) analysis models at an introductory level
• Coverage of the popular Mplus program
• Updated examples of LISREL and EQS
• A CD that contains all of the text’s LISREL, EQS, and Mplus examples.
A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling is intended as an introductory book for students and researchers in psychology, education, business, medicine, and other applied social, behavioral, and health sciences with limited or no previous exposure to SEM. A prerequisite of basic statistics through regression analysis is recommended. The book frequently draws parallels between SEM and regression, making this prior knowledge helpful.

 A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling Second Edition

A Beginners Guide to Structural Equation Modeling Second Edition


The second edition features:
  • a CD with all of the book's Amos, EQS, and LISREL programs and data sets;
  • new chapters on importing data issues related to data editing and on how to report research;
  • an updated introduction to matrix notation and programs that illustrate how to compute these calculations;
  • many more computer program examples and chapter exercises; and
  • increased coverage of factors that affect correlation, the 4-step approach to SEM and hypothesis testing, significance, power, and sample size issues.
The new edition's expanded use of applications make this book ideal for advanced students and researchers in psychology, education, business, health care, political science, sociology, and biology. A basic understanding of correlation is assumed and an understanding of the matrices used in SEM models is encouraged.
ISBN-13: 9780805840179
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 6/4/2004
Series: The Inquiry and Pedagogy Across Diverse Contexts Series
Edition description: REV
Edition number: 2
Pages: 304
Lexile: 1450L (what's this?)
Product dimensions: 6.20 (w) x 9.20 (h) x 1.30 (d)

A Beginners Guide to Structural Equation Modeling